- The system for XP crediting was completely reworked. The amount of earned XP now depends not on health, but on the time of recruitment of enemy units. XP is credited upon killing enemy units.
- You don't earn XP for killed generals or heroes.
- X2 multiplier is applied to PvP battles. Due to this, players earn much more XP in PvP battles than in PvE.
- The Hero section in the University now features new research that enables you to earn more XP in all battles!
- The amount of XP required to level up all generals and the hero was changed. Now, the amount of XP required at each level grows more evenly, which makes playing at low and medium levels more pleasant.
- When crafting items in the Forge, you now have a chance to get an upgraded equipment item with improved stats! There are three improvement grades: Special, Rare, and Legendary.
- Enhancement stats of upgraded items differ from the base ones. Enhancement is not affected by item rarity.
- When created, upgraded Wings may get a random special property or skill.
- Distributing a Hero's skill points is now easier: press the plus icon and the points will be invested automatically while you keep the icon pressed or until the invested points are enough to get a skill.
- If you have enough points, you can immediately tap the icon of the nearest skill and proceed to selection. You can change any skill for free before you tap the Confirm button.
- If you have already researched a skill, you can use the Reset Hero Skills consumable to replace the skill in its selection menu without redistributing the skill points.
- The Other section now features four new equipment items for strength and one for dexterity.
- For all the already available equipment items, bonuses and stats were reworked.
- If you open a chest on the map and you are not pleased with the prize offered in the left part of the menu, you can change it. Just tap Reopen, and you'll be offered another prize variant.
- Now, enchanted items can be shipped from the Port or sent to allies as aid. When you select an enchanted item in your Port, a confirmation window will pop up to help you avoid sending a valuable item by mistake.
- There are now more mines in the city and capital areas, and the waiting time between battles was reduced.
- You can enable and disable notifications about receiving gifts in the game settings.
- Water Elemental lost its immunity to the abilities of other Elementals and Neptune.