Participate in the Realm’s Riches Rally from January 26, 08:00 pm UTC through January 31, 07:00 UTC for a chance to win outstanding rewards.
During the Riches Rally Buy offers in the game store to reach daily milestones. Each purchase grants you 1 milestone in a daily round. There are a total of 3 Milestones in a whole daily round. Rewards in each Milestone will be sent to your Gift Storage once it is unlocked. Unlock 3 Milestones to complete the daily round. And it will convert into 1 Point to the Riches Rally event.
The event is played like the Power Marathon - you unlock Milestones in the daily rounds, and it will convert into Points in the global goal of the event.
P.S. Rewards for the Riches Rally Event will be sent to player's Gift Storage the next day when the daily round is refreshed. It WILL NOT go into their Gift Storage immediately.
Rewards in daily rounds (can be achieved every day of the event up to 3 times):
Milestone 1: 3m of Gold, Wood, Stone and Stardust
Milestone 2: A total of 40 days Acceleration
Milestone 3: 1 Aurum
Rewards in Riches Rally Points (can be achieved only once when you reach certain goal):
1 Point: 5 Stellarsilver Ripples
2 Points: 8 Stellarsilver Ripples, Glacial Crown of the North for 3d
3 Point: 1 Stellarsilver, 700 000 Crystals, Glacial Crown of the North for 7d
Rewards are waiting for you!