Take part in the new season from August 14, 12:00 UTC through September 8, 12:00 UTC to get your share of the rewards this month has to offer!
🔱 We have 2 sets of rewards: the first is available to all players, while the second can be unlocked with Glory Pass. Keep in mind that the Season challenges are only available to players at Citadel level 10 or higher.
🔱 Next, there are two types of challenges:
• Daily challenges — can be completed repeatedly, available during all stages.
• Single challenges — unlocked gradually in stages as the Season progresses.
🔱 Season stages:
• Stage I is unlocked instantly as the season starts
• Stage II — August 21
• Stage III — August 28
• Stage IV — September 4
Once unlocked, the stage is available until the end of the season. No rush!
📜 The first milestone of the Glory Pass at 25 points will grant you the following city buffs: -15% to recruitment cost and +10% to research speed. Free Pass bonuses include:+50% to march speed and +50% to house capacity for 7d.
📜 Set sail on the Sunken Hoard Galleon, a floating fortress once owned by the legendary pirate king. This ship, adorned with enchanted jewels and mythical artifacts, is said to hold the secrets of the ocean's greatest treasures. But be careful! Something is moving around it...
“Sunken Hoard Galleon”:
- Construction speed and structure upgrade speed +25%
- Cost Saving: Gold (any research in the University) -50%
- Research speed at the University +25%
- Energy cost to attack monsters -25%
- March Speed +100%
- +20 Maximum units provided by allies
📜 Command the waves with the Merfolk Knight, your loyal steed of the sea. This noble creature, with its shimmering scales and piercing eyes, emerges from the depths to fight by your side.
“Merfolk Knight”:
- Marching speed on sand + 100%
- Marching speed on grass +150%
- Marching speed on snow + 100%
- Marching speed in deep water +250%
- Marching speed in water +300%
- Marching speed on land in the Woods of Wonders +100%
- Marching speed on water in the Woods of Wonders +300%
- Army's hit points + 5%
- Army defense +10%
- Army morale +50
📜 And of course the new Emoji Pack ─ “Oceanic Antics”
📜 Then there’s plenty of other stuff too:
• 10 Aurum Shards
• 46 Relics of Worship
• 300k Crystals
• Accelerations
• Valor
• And much more!
Are you ready to find out what lurks in the dark depths?