Dare to step out of your comfort zone and into a bizarre flurry of events from May 10, 08:00 am UTC through May 17, 07:00 am UTC.
🗓️ Event Schedule
⚔️ The Great Hunt (10.05).
⚔️ The Power of the Team (11.05) — featuring 10 chests and double points.
⚔️ Blacksmithing (12.05) — featuring 7 chests.
⚔️ The Common Good (13.05) — featuring 7 chests.
⚔️ PVP (14.05) — featuring 10 chests.
⚔️ Expeditions (15.05) — featuring 10 chests.
⚔️ Recruitment Event (16.05) — featuring 7 chests.
⚔️ The Great Hunt (17.05)
⚔️ PVP (10.05)
⚔️ Resource Gathering (11.05) — featuring 7 chests.
⚔️ Lord of the Sea (12.05) — featuring 10 chests.
⚔️ Monster Hunt (13.05) — featuring 10 chests.
⚔️ The Great Ruler (14.05) — featuring 7 chests.
⚔️ Resource Gathering (15.05) — featuring 7 chests.
⚔️ Blacksmithing (16.05) — featuring 10 chests.
⚔️ The Royal Edicts (17.05).
You can find the 7 and 10 Chest Events’ Milestones here. Make sure to also check all event milestones in the event window in-game.
We’d like to invite you to the Storm’s Fair! The following items can be obtained if you can gather enough Mjölnir:
- Aurum — 5000 Mjölnir
- Aurum Shard — 550 Mjölnir
- Aurum Arcana — 1500 Mjölnir
- Additional Researcher 90d — 1900 Mjölnir
- Fireflies — 10 Mjölnir
- Cerberus Permanent Mount — 5000 Mjölnir
- Wave Breaker Permanent Mount — 5000 Mjölnir
- Relic of Worship — 100 Mjölnir
- Acceleration 7d — 400 Mjölnir
- Acceleration 3d — 180 Mjölnir
- Acceleration 1d — 70 Mjölnir
Collect Mjölnir from various game activities and trade them for awesome prizes!
Where to find Mjölnir?
Defeat Monsters and earn Mjölnir based on their level:
- Level I Monster yields 7 Mjölnir
- Level II Monster — 9 Mjölnir
- Level III Monster — 11 Mjölnir
- Level IV Monster — 13 Mjölnir
- Level V Monster — 15 Mjölnir
- Level VI Monster — 18 Mjölnir
- Level VII Monster — 21 Mjölnir
- Level VIII Monster — 25 Mjölnir
- Level IX Monster — 30 Mjölnir
- Level X Monster — 35 Mjölnir
- Level XI Monster — 40 Mjölnir
If you find yourself short on Mjölnir, you can find:
- Between 10 and 500 Mjölnir from Strange Week events depending on the event milestone you reach.
- 15, 37, 75 and 150 Mjölnir can be earned by sending expeditions based on their level (1 through 4).
- 10 Mjölnir can be obtained for each ship sent.
! Make sure to trade all Mjölnir till the end of the Easter week. All unused items will disappear after the event ends !
Embrace the strange!