Join us from February 20, 12:00 pm UTC to February 23, 11:00 am UTC for a chance to test your luck and win big! Let’s check out the rewards!
We have 4 special Arcanas, which contain excellent prizes, including Aurum Shards, Soul Stones, Accelerations and more! You can find additional accelerations, fortune teller coins, resources and more alongside the arcanas.
- First things first, choose the deck you want to play! Each deck houses one of the primary rewards above, as well as some additional prizes.
- Once you’ve chosen your deck, you will find twelve cards facing down.
- There’s a total of six pairs of twelve items under every card. The goal is to flip cards and match them all — once you match two cards, you get its reward.
- Flipping cards costs Fortune Teller Coins, though previously flipped cards can be opened again for free.
- If you’re struggling with a single deck, you can reset it and start fresh. This may change the side rewards, but not the main reward of the deck. Any rewards you’ve claimed will stay yours even after resetting the deck!
Here’s how you can get Fortune Teller Coins to flip cards:
- 4, 8, 30 Fortune Teller Coins can be obtained from expeditions - levels 2 to 4.
- The 10 Chests events: Solo Great Ruler (20.02), Alliance Trade Mission (21.02), Solo PVP (22.02) and Alliance Expeditions (23.02) will grant coins for each chest acquired:
- Level I chest — 5 Fortune Teller Coin
- Level II — 15 Fortune Teller Coins
- Level III — 20 Fortune Teller Coins
- Level IV — 25 Fortune Teller Coins
- Level V chest — 30 Fortune Teller Coins
- Level VI chest — 35 Fortune Teller Coins
- Level VII chest — 40 Fortune Teller Coins
- Level VIII chest — 45 Fortune Teller Coins
- Level IX chest — 50 Fortune Teller Coins
- Level X chest — 55 Fortune Teller Coins
Milestones for 10 chest:
Solo Great Ruler:
- Level 10 chest — 16.5 mln points
Alliance Trade Mission
- Level 10 chest — 260k points (11k per player)
Solo PVP
- Level 10 chest — 1.7 mln points
Alliance Expeditions
- Level 10 chest — 220k points (3.85k per player)
There may also be special bundles and offers with the coins in the Store and the Bank! Don’t miss them!
May fortune be with you!