The daily quests is a brand new feature, which rewards your persistence and fortitude. 5 random and unique quests are generated each new day. Your goal is to complete all of them before they reset again at midnight, including the golden quest. 1 quest equals 1 point towards your weekly progress.
The golden quest (aka sixth quest) is the same every time and it’s simplest of all — complete all other daily quests. Why? Because each golden quest completion brings 5 additional points to your weekly progression and that much closer to the weekly reward. You’re seeing the loop now, right?
The weekly reward is your ultimate goal for the week. That is, if you like valuable prizes. If not, feel free to skip this part. 👀 The weekly reward counts your progress in the daily and golden quests. If you do them regularly, your perseverance shall be rewarded handsomely when you reach 50 points.
Where to tap?
The Daily Quests icon will appear below the Heroics icon after you use the daily Fortune Coin. When you tap, you’ll find them neatly situated with all the other quests.