This update brings two new Regular and Special Monster levels:
- Level 10 at University level 31
- Level 11 at University level 35
The new levels will appear in the current monster branch. After your research levels 10 and 11, you’ll automatically start seeing them for special monsters too, whenever they are available of course.
To ensure there’s proper progression in the Monster branch Energy Restoration II levels 3-5 and Maximum Energy II levels 3-5 will also be unlocked.
The two new level additions also bring the need to reorganize monsters a bit and tweak their values. We wanted to ensure that existing monster levels reflect the proper balancing that went into the new levels. That’s why all monster levels were rebalanced in terms of energy cost, which affects pretty much everything else. They key points are:
- The new monster levels will cost 10800 and 11800 Energy to attack respectively.
- The energy cost for all existing monster levels was increased by roughly 12%.
- The points you get in solo and alliance monster events were also raised for all monster levels. Which basically means that you’ll be getting more points for the same monsters.
- All solo and alliance event milestones were rebalanced to reflect the changes mentioned above.
New monster levels mean new loot. Instruments are getting 2 new levels as well. The 2 new instrument levels can be used immediately after you slay a new monster level. Both for synthesizing and enhancing. 🔨
Important ❗ The new instruments can only be used for level 27 regular craft items for now. This is not a bug and we are working on making the instruments available for the rest of the items.
QoL Improvements
You will now be able to see the drop chance of items that are in Monster rewards. The chance will appear even when it is 100%.
- Added: Links in the announcement board can now be clicked and will lead to websites and articles outside of the game.
- Fixed: Some shrines are not responsive when situated close to an alliance border.
- Fixed: Lag when scrolling through the University and Forge.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where multiple instances (Glory Altar, Anchor, Lantern) weren’t displayed correctly but with %time%.
- Fixed: Negative values for the Citadel durability.
- Crash rate and ANR improvements.