If you see a berthed ship, you can load it with various goods and set sail.
NOTE: Mind the departure time! If you’re unable to complete all orders, the ship will be sent underloaded and you WILL NOT receive the reward for sending the ship. Having loaded all required items, tap the button Send. Please note that if you don't tap this button, the ship will be sent automatically according to the departure time and you won't receive points.
Tap Port to see orders for resources and items. The number of orders depends on the Citadel level. You have a maximum of 6 orders from the start. If you have enough resources, the order icon will have a green checkmark next to it. To load the ship, tap the icon with the order and then tap Load.
If you don’t have enough resources, a magnifying glass button will appear. It will lead to the shop, if you don’t have enough resources; to the Forge, if you’re short on equipment; to the Dungeons, if you need materials. You can ask your alliance members to help you with materials and equipment. Having loaded all required items, tap Send ship.
By helping your alliance members to complete their orders, you will receive resources and unique goods for the Alliance’s Store. To help complete an order, tap Alliance, then open the Port tab and you’ll see the list of orders. If you already have the required item or material, the “Help” button will be active.
You can get another ship instantly by using a special item called “Get Ship”. It can be purchased in the Store as well as in the Alliance’s Store.
As your Port level increases, the reward and the number of requests in the Port grow.
The reward for completing one order: alliance credits, stardust. The reward for sending a fully loaded ship: alliance points, ranking points and a random tablet.